
SPS Health Research

Solve the nursing crisis by transforming your admin


The news that nurses are overworked should not come as a surprise to anyone in the UK. Reports of growing vacancies and nursing strikes have been regular for years, so SPS and the RCNi (Royal College of Nursing’s Information and Learning subsidiary) decided to investigate the root cause for nurses’ dissatisfaction. 

Between us we ran a survey of 2,800 nurses, asking a range of questions about workloads, job satisfaction and whether respondents saw a future in nursing – our findings were stark. We discovered that 42% of nurses spend more than half their working week on non-clinical admin, and 45% cited workload or admin specifically as their biggest reason for wanting to leave the profession. 

To find out more of the insights our survey uncovered, download our detailed report now.

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Market research

Are We on the Brink of a Nursing Crisis?

Find out the impact admin has on nurses’ workloads across the NHS

11 June 2024

“The survey shines a light on a critical issue facing the nursing profession. The amount of non-clinical work is unprecedented, and the NHS can’t afford to lose anymore nurses. With the increased burden on administration it is time that we implemented digital systems that can help nurses work more efficiently. However, we must recognise that technology is a tool that will only achieve these aims if it is developed with nurses, so that it supports their work".

Dawn Dowding, Co-Chair, Digital Nursing Forum, RCN

Understand How Much an NHS Trust Could Save

SPS’ research across the NHS admin environment has revealed the scale of inefficiency trusts face every day, but how much exactly could be saved? 

We’ve created our online savings calculator to help you quantify how much impact admin transformation could have on trust finances. With just a few simple data points you can generate a figure – to the nearest million – indicating the scale of savings that could be achieved. 

Click here to access our savings calculator.

a nurse pointing to a screen

Book a Cost Improvement Assessment with SPS

Engage the specialist SPS healthcare consultancy team for an on-site assessment of your admin processes, a detailed business case and a roadmap to delivery.  

Our team will run a ten-week deep dive project, producing a report to share with trust directors summarising the key areas for improvement and outline business case (OBC). Rather than relying on short-term fixes that compromise patient care, we can show you the path to achieving admin transformation yourself, delivering a sustainable model which improves patient care.  

Learn more about SPS cost improvement assessments in our brochure

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Uncovering the True Cost of Admin Across the NHS

Learn the scale of your potential with an SPS cost improvement Asssessment

11 June 2024


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Are you ignoring the fourth largest area of spend?

A huge and untapped savings opportunity

06 October 2023
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Administration, the largest cause of patient complaints at NHS

Are your patients receiving the experience they expect?

06 October 2023
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Can you bridge the inequalities gap through better admin?

Kickstart your transformation with SPS

11 June 2024


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